The Easter Bunny spreads a little happiness but puts Staff under pressure

The first signs of Spring are upon us – we are already seeing lighter evenings and the beginnings of the morning sun.  After living like moles in the dark for winter these small signs of hope are a blessing for many who find the winter a real challenge in terms of health and wellbeing. Spring is a good time for companies to look at their wellness policies both in terms of an opportunity to capitalise on this new optimism but also because, whilst it is good that health and fitness comes back on the agenda for many, the pressure of staff taking time off over the long Easter break puts pressure on the rest of the team as they take up the slack.


The spring should also see the awakening of business activity after the traditional quiet time for many industries but covering staff shortages can be a challenge.  Companies are still unwilling to really invest in hiring more staff as the economic recovery is not forthcoming, and companies still want to see how the weakened global economy will effect business in the coming months. Although many companies are expecting to hire more staff this year, the jury is still out as to whether this will actually become a reality or whether caution will prevail.


It is, however, a welcome change in recent years that people feel that they should take time off if they have children and spend time both in the Easter holidays and the summer, but at the same time it causes a bottle neck of staff wanting to take their holidays at the same time impacting those who do not have children or whose projects do not allow them to take the time off.


Making sure staff have access to great quality information and tools that will allow them to optimise their own health, thus having an impact on their performance, energy levels and happiness is key so that staff who are taking up slack in the holidays are better able to cope with the pressures put upon them.


If you want to find out how to implement such a strategy or create really clear information for your staff on how to make their health and wellness a priority then contact Kate Cook now on  0845 050 2442 or email at


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