I think that we’d all like to feel more vibrant at work and have more energy in general and getting the right nutrition is essential to help us maintain that throughout our busy working days. And our days off as well. A great way to get those nutrients and fit it into our busy lives is through juicing.
However, as anyone who knows me will testify, I am not a natural juicer! Its all that schlep for such little reward that puts me off. Pumping in 20 apples to get half an inch of juice. Why bother? What an effort and then you have to clean the blighter, scrubbing endlessly at an over complicated, pulp covered machine never quite getting all the bits out of the mesh-filter. A lot of scrubbing later still seems not to get it clean. That juicer remains a key sculptural feature of your kitchen work-top and it never quite seems the right time to get it out for all that effort!
Well, I am a covert to the SAGE juicer which is indeed simple to use, and easy to clean. Really. I was inspired by the film “Fat, sick and nearly dead“. Its about an overweight, stressed out businessman from Oz whose weight is ballooning and health deteriorating. He decides to juice his way across the USA – the movie is about the the journey and the people he meets – seriously, its well worth a look!
At a simple level its about how health can be transformed by quite straightforward strategy and also the ripple effect he creates by changing his own health and how this effects others. I won’t give the story away! He does a 60 day juice fast which is certainly not for everyone, and certainly not safe for everyone to do, but the principle is interesting and the movie is highly watchable.
In my case, its more about supplementing my own regime with a few green juices or adding my juice into my super greens drink (look I am a nutritionist, I am going to be doing some weird nutrition stuff, OK?) I am currently using a supergreen product I love – I change from time to time – I was a convert to supergreens (powdered supplements made from an impressive array of nutritious food ingredients) – I started with Dr Schultze’s SuperFood Plus, which although fantastic is a challenge to take as it takes like lawnmowings (only worse). I am now on Maximum Green Vibrance (from Water For Health) which is actually OK. Well, I am not saying its delicious but its a whole lot more tasty that Dr S’s brew. The main thing is that with the addition of my own homemade juice, and having taken it for about two months, even though I felt great before, I feel greater (?). Ben at the gym says I am making good progress and my stamina has really improved. Could it be the alkalising effect of the juicing and the supplement? I am convinced that despite the bother, juicing for me is a great little nutrient boost and you know what?
I am actually enjoying it too!