Stress today is a well-used word! We are all exposed to it from long working hours to meeting tight deadlines, to juggling careers and parenthood, to coping with relationship and financial problems.
Long-term stress can make us more vulnerable to illness, behavioural and emotional problems, and increases the demand on the heart, muscles, digestive and immune systems. Stress also can contribute to many health problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue, psoriasis, repeated colds and infections, and migraines.
Different people deal with stress in different ways. What one person might perceive as a major stressor, another might thrive on. While it is unrealistic to expect to live a life free from stress (and life would be dull without it), there are ways we can manage stress through diet and lifestyle to ensure it does not affect our wellbeing.So what can you do to help stay calm and healthy in the face of stress:
Balance blood sugar. Eat little and often (never skip meals), avoid refined carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta and cakes, avoid or reduce stimulants (alcohol and caffeine), and eat a little protein at each meal/snack. Dips in blood sugar trigger the adrenal glands to release adrenaline putting more pressure on your adrenal function.
Eat nutritious foods containing B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc, calcium and magnesium- vital nutrients for your adrenals. Include the following in your diet – dark green leafy vegetables, peppers, tomatoes, berries, apples, citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, wholegrains (oats, brown rice, rye, etc.), nuts, seeds, pulses, eggs and fish.
Chew your food well and aim to eat in a relaxed environment. This will help your body to digest and absorb nutrients efficiently.
Find ways to reduce your stress levels and incorporate ways to deal with the stresses you do have. E.g. time to relax, holidays, exercise, mediation, hypnotherapy, massage, acupuncture, etc.
Sleep is vital for rest and repair. Aim to get eight hours a night. Go to bed early and get up at the same time each day as this helps to set your body clock. Allow yourself to wind down before going to bed – have a warm bath and read a good book or practice deep breathing. Don’t watch TV in bed, don’t have your bedroom too warm and avoid heavy meals late at night.
Have fun. One of the best feelings is having a good laugh – don’t take yourself too seriously! Fun is one of the things that many adults simply have forgotten how to have or feel guilty about having. Just smiling can reduce our stress levels