E-Learning/Video Platform For Wellness Programmes

Kate Cook, in partnership with YourBusinessChannel is launching an E-learning Video platform, enabling our Wellness programmes to be a company-wide programme and have a larger and more sustained impact, over a longer period of time.  One of the problems we have found with doing just workshops is that if delegates are away or not able to attend they miss out on important information and learning. The e-learning platform enables employees to complete the programme at a time and place that suits them.


We have also found that the workshops are important to provide the initial inspiration, lighting the fire of enthusiasm for a sustained approach to Wellness but it is important to have a real and sustained way of carrying that best intention forward so that real change is instigated.


Interactive in approach and supported by video this platform is an important add-on to the work we are doing in companies.

Contact Kate Cook on 0845 050 2442 kate@katecook.biz

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